Horizon Technology specializes in Know-How technologies to serve customers starting from an idea to the final product. We are a flexible team with expertise in all aspects of production.


Technical Study

We believe that a deep technical study for a factory to determine all the factory requirements starting from the civil work, providing the new technology production lines and raw materials is the main important stage that will give a brief introduction of how an investor can make sure they will reach their final product.


Commercial Study

When it comes to our commercial study, we provide all the requirements to achieve the best value of production including the market study, competition analysis, material cost and more.


Material & Production Lines Supply

We provide all the requirements that the production facility needs starting from production lines, electrical equipment, and instruments to get the facility ready for production and also the required raw materials and components.


Consultancy & Project Management

Our clients praise our full-scale project management and complete factory establishment capabilities as our main strengths. We will look after your commercial project from conception to plastering, electrical work, and everything else in-between.

Contact Us

Get in touch with our consultants today to make your Factory dream a reality.